We’re using Carthage to consume Purchase.xcframework. It’s possible to download the pre-built xcframework within the release as described here. However, your prebuilt xcframework doesn’t contain dSYMs inside. I downloaded xcframework.zip from GitHub and discovered all the dSYMs outside .xcframework itself, in the separate folder.
The RevenueCat official iOS SDK Installation guide suggests to run the carthage update with `--no-use-binaries` option which triggers a local build of xcframework. BTW this also might cause a problem such in my case where I don’t have swiftlint installed and getting this error on build:
Adding homebrew bin folder to PATH (/usr/local/bin)
error: SwiftLint not installed in /usr/local/bin, download from https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint
Command PhaseScriptExecution emitted errors but did not return a nonzero exit code to indicate failure
Why not to contain dSYMs inside release pre-built `.xcframework`? Thus, we can run just `carthage update --no-use-binaries` and download a pre-built xcframework with dSYMs included. No need to build it locally just to generate dSYMs.
Thank you,
PS This is my Carthage usage information:
* `carthage version`: 0.38.0
* `xcodebuild -version`: Xcode 13.2 Build version 13C90
* Are you using `--no-build`? NO
* Are you using `--no-use-binaries`? NO
* Are you using `--use-submodules`? NO
* Are you using `--cache-builds`? NO
* Are you using `--new-resolver`? NO
* Are you using `--use-xcframeworks`? YES
github "RevenueCat/purchases-ios" == 3.13.1
**Actual outcome**
The pre-built xcframework downloaded without dSYMs included
**Expected outcome**
dSYMs should be contained inside xcframeworks directory