i want to publish my App in the AppStore. There is everything set up and working in the simulator with the StoreKit (as descripted in https://www.revenuecat.com/docs/test-and-launch/sandbox/apple-app-store#ios-14-only-testing-on-the-simulator).
When i give it in the AppStore Connect review and adding the subscription (1st time) then they getting an error - it can’t fetch a product. So thats obviously cause the subscription in AppStoreConnet are notactive now. I don’t get the logic…
So, how can i set up my App for productivity so that they can test a subscription that not exists yet?The StoreKit is only for XCode, right? So i nedd to set it up for Sandbox?
I Thought i better ask here befor getting rejected 20x times and waiting every time like 12 hours :)