Flutter: 2.2.3
Plugin: purchases_flutter: ^3.4.5
Device: iOS simulator (14.5)
Using Flutter + StoreKit does not work. `getOfferings()` always return `null` with empty products.
I already made sure that bundle ID, product IDs, API key, and StoreKit public cert are correctly set.
The weird thing is, if I do this in a native iOS app, I can fetch the offerings and products. After installing the sample native iOS app, I tried running the Flutter app without changing the StoreKit public cert, it can fetch the offerings. Which is really weird.
I already tried creating a clean Flutter app with StoreKit, but it still fails to get the offerings. It will only work if I install my sample native iOS app, then run the Flutter version.
I don't have any actual device with me, so simulator is the only way I can proceed with my task. Any idea on why StoreKit in Flutter does not work?