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During the Apple review process, the reviewer encountered an "Error 23" message indicating a configuration issue. This has happened twice now, even though I haven’t made any changes to my RevenueCat setup or code since my last successful reviews. In the previous reviews, the reviewer was able to complete the subscription process successfully but rejected the app for an unrelated reason. Now, when I test the subscription flow, everything still works perfectly on my end, so I’m unsure why it’s failing for them.

Do you have any insights on what might be causing this issue or how I can resolve it? Could it be related to Apple's sandbox environment, or is there something specific I need to check or adjust in my RevenueCat configuration(even though it worked in the past and is still working)? Would uploading a new build and resubmitting help? I’ve seen others try this approach, but I’d appreciate your advice.

Thanks for your help!

Hey @preston-s-2424,

Sorry to hear that this is happening for you! Unfortunately, if you haven’t been able to reproduce this error on a real device, either in the sandbox environment or on TestFlight, then this may be due to a quirk of the environment that the App Review is using. 

My recommendation would be to run through this guide of reasons for this error and just double, triple check that all of this is in order and that all tax forms and your Paid Applications Agreement is signed and up to date. If everything looks good, then my next recommendation would be to upload and resubmit a new build. We have seen this work as well. 

Hope this helps, and good luck!

Thanks for the reply! I continued testing everything, and it was still working on my end, so I uploaded a new build and resubmitted it. That seemed to do the trick, and the app has since been approved. Thanks again for the help!