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Android 5.0.0-amazon.alpha.6

  • December 23, 2021
  • 0 replies
Android 5.0.0-amazon.alpha.6
RC Support
RevenueCat Staff

Adds initial Amazon store support. This won't work right away as it requires special RevenueCat setup that's not available for all customers.

Add a new dependency to the build.gradle apart from the regular purchases dependency. This new dependency has the classes needed to use Amazon IAP:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.revenuecat.purchases:purchases:5.0.0-amazon.alpha.6'
    implementation 'com.revenuecat.purchases:purchases-store-amazon:5.0.0-amazon.alpha.6'

Configure the SDK using your RevenueCat API key specific for Amazon:

Purchases.configure(AmazonConfiguration.Builder(this, "api_key").build())

Modify your app/build.gradle to add a dependency to the official in-app-purchasing-2.0.76.jar

dependencies {
    implementation files('libs/in-app-purchasing-2.0.76.jar')

The next step would be to add the jar to your project. For that you can use the following gradle task that can be added to app/build.gradle and run via ./gradlew getAmazonLibrary or via Android Studio :

// Gradle task to download Amazon library
ext {
    iapVersion = "2.0.76"

task getAmazonLibrary {
    ext {
        downloadURL = ""
        fileToExtract = "in-app-purchasing-${iapVersion}.jar"
        destFile = new File( projectDir, "libs/$fileToExtract" )
    } 'downloadURL', downloadURL ) 'fileToExtract', fileToExtract )
    outputs.file( destFile )

    doLast {
        File destDir = destFile.parentFile

        File downloadFile = new File( temporaryDir, '' )
        new URL( downloadURL ).withInputStream { is ->
            downloadFile.withOutputStream { it << is }

        project.copy {
            from {
                zipTree(downloadFile).matching { include "**/$fileToExtract" }.singleFile

            into( destDir )

That gradle task will add the jar to the libs folder inside app:

Screen Shot 2021-10-05 at 2 13 41 PM

Alternatively, you can do this manually by downloading the .zip from Amazon and then unzipping and moving the in-app-purchasing-2.0.76.jar into your projects android/app/libs/ folder like in the screenshot above.

Due to some limitations, RevenueCat will only validate purchases made in production or in Live App Testing and won't validate purchases made with the Amazon App Tester.

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