Hi there,
I’m looking for some clarifications on how to ask the user for consent for the sending consumption data.
I was reading this article on sending consumption info to reduce refunds: https://www.revenuecat.com/blog/company/handle-apple-refund-requests-automatically/
And then I saw the paragraph about asking the user for consent with a warning sign:
⚠️ Important: Make sure you have customer consent to share consumption data by outlining this in your terms and conditions, as required by Apple.
In the article (as quoted above) it says it’s enough to put it into the Terms and Conditions, but the linked Apple article is much more ambiguous about this. Like this part:

So the user can opt-out and it should be “affirmative consent”.
What’s your experience with this? Is a paragraph in the terms and conditions sufficient? Did Apple Review reject anything?