On iOS, my paywall works just fine. So that’s proof that my product settings and paywall settings are all setup correctly for App Store.
On Android, I followed the documentation and checklist - three times over - to make sure each step is followed to the letter. I have verified my google ↔ RevenueCat server-side connection is setup correctly, by sending test messages successfully from google. My subscription products in Google Play are in active status - which I’ve “imported” into RevenueCat. I have a attached entitlements, and created one offering with packages in RC correctly (both Apple App Store and Google Play Store products in each package - and all that is working correctly in iOS). My app is in “alpha/closed” testing stage (and approved by google) - when I download the app on a real device, and run it, I still get the following error:
"Error 23: There is an issue with your configuration. Check the underlying error for more details."
In case you are wondering how Google approved my build, if the paywall is not working - I put in a feature flag (using Firebase Remote Config) to skip the paywall component when turned “off”. Now that the app is approved, in order to test the paywall, I have turned the feature flag for paywall “on”, and it gives me the same error that I’ve struggled with for 3 weeks.
The RevenueCat support ticket hasn’t helped - they keep referring me back to the documentation. Honestly I have tried everything that I can think of - literally combing over the entire documentation set provided 3 times over and used ChatGPT. All I have left is these forums. Any suggestions?
Why is their support team so unresponsive? I don’t think I can run a business like this.