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Android - Error 23: There is an issue with your configuration.  Check the underlying error for more details

  • December 4, 2024
  • 4 replies


On iOS, my paywall works just fine.  So that’s proof that my product settings and paywall settings are all setup correctly for App Store. 


On Android, I followed the documentation and checklist - three times over - to make sure each step is followed to the letter.  I have verified my google ↔ RevenueCat server-side connection is setup correctly, by sending test messages successfully from google.  My subscription products in Google Play are in active status - which I’ve “imported” into RevenueCat.  I have a attached entitlements, and created one offering with packages in RC correctly (both Apple App Store and Google Play Store products in each package - and all that is working correctly in iOS).  My app is in “alpha/closed” testing stage (and approved by google) - when I download the app on a real device, and run it, I still get the following error: 

"Error 23: There is an issue with your configuration.  Check the underlying error for more details."


In case you are wondering how Google approved my build, if the paywall is not working - I put in a feature flag (using Firebase Remote Config) to skip the paywall component when turned “off”.  Now that the app is approved, in order to test the paywall, I have turned the feature flag for paywall “on”, and it gives me the same error that I’ve struggled with for 3 weeks. 

The RevenueCat support ticket hasn’t helped - they keep referring me back to the documentation.  Honestly I have tried everything that I can think of - literally combing over the entire documentation set provided 3 times over and used ChatGPT.  All I have left is these forums.  Any suggestions? 

Why is their support team so unresponsive?  I don’t think I can run a business like this. 

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  • December 5, 2024

I’ve triple checked my google products - they are created correctly, and configured with the right entitlement, packages, and offerings.  Not sure what I could be doing wrong?  I am using the ReactNative library, with the following versions: 

Android API level: 

  • minSdkVersion = 24

RevenueCat ReactNative library versions

    "react-native-purchases": "^8.2.4",
    "react-native-purchases-ui": "^8.2.4",

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  • December 9, 2024

Me I forgot to link the default offerings, works well now

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  • December 11, 2024

This turned out to be a simple issue of not setting up the right RevenueCat API keys.  For whoever comes searching for this kind of issue in future - RevenueCat issues a separate API key for each major platform. 

In my case iOS and Android have two separate API keys.  I had already integrated with Apple iOS successfully (my code just had the iOS API key to initialize the SDK - the API key for apple iOS starts with the words “app...” so I interpreted that to mean “app” as in Application, not “app” as in “Apple”).  I didn’t know about the separate API keys per platform - that’s not usually the case when you integrate API keys with most SDKs.  What made it worse is that the error message from the SDK (in my case “react-native-purchases-ui”, which shows the paywall) is cryptic (“Error 23 - There is an issue with your configuration.  Check the underlying error for more details.).  And, the support team didn’t even bother to ask or suggest that API keys could be an issue. 

Wasted a solid ~3 weeks chasing rabbit holes. 

RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
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  • December 18, 2024

Hi ​@ak-shr-ae79cb  I'm very sorry that you had to spend so much time debugging this and that our support missed the mark. I have updated our empty offerings guide with a clear callout (point #5 under iOS and Android) regarding setting your app-specific public API keys. I have also shared your feedback with our team, and we'll work to improve our documentation and processes going forward. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have further issues and our team will do our best to get your integration working. Again, I'm sorry for your poor experience. Thanks.

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