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How can I obtain the configured discount percentage on Google Play?

  • November 9, 2023
  • 1 reply


I have a configured offer on Google Play with a 33 percent discount, and indeed, I receive the discounted value in the introPhase, but the number 33 does not come through anywhere. I had to calculate it, but I wouldn't want to do that. Is there any way to obtain the percentage of the discount being applied?

1 reply

Michael Fogel
  • Dedicated Contributor
  • 382 replies
  • November 13, 2023

Hey @lunts-app !


While we cant contain the actual percentage of the discount, you can possibly track this on your end by using the offer_code in the response of the purchase or webhook and using that to track these purchases with that discount.


There are a couple of things to consider when using/redeeming promo codes and offers in the Google Play Store:

  • In the RevenueCat dashboard, when a promo code is used for a subscription, it will show up as the user is starting on a trial for the length your promotion has specified.
  • For In-app purchases, you will see your user has made a purchase, however, the reflected price will be $0.
  • The purchase will come back from Google with the "purchaseType": 1, which, according to the API docs means that it was completed with a promo code.
  • As of now, purchases with a promo code that come directly from Google don’t carry an orderId.
  • In general there is likely to be some info missing if the code is redeemed directly in the play store as a limitation from the information that we gather from Google.

I hope that helps! 


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