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How can I use filters for users with offer codes used in the In-App Purchases?

  • April 26, 2022
  • 1 reply


Hello Revenue-Cat Community,


I’m looking to solve the following challenge:

We created several different Offer-Codes for our In-App Purchases, which are used for different Sales Chanels, for ex. Influencers or Websites, etc. That is working great.

How can I filter my Charts in Revenue Cat to see which OfferCode is used?

I’m seeing the OfferCode used for the sale when tapping on the Transaction, but I can't find a way to filter for specific offer codes.


Do you have any suggestion for that challenge?

1 reply

  • Dedicated Contributor
  • 122 replies
  • May 16, 2022

Hi @8devs πŸ‘‹πŸ½,

We currently don’t have a way to filter for Offer codes in our charts. Sorry for any inconvenience this causes. I can pass this request along as a feature request. 


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