Hi there,
My question is this:
We have connected webhook events to our app and in the client side we have implemented only the configure part with userId and login method
apiKey: "xxxxxxxxx",
appUserID: UUID-userIdHere
So our app won't have anonymous users.
According to documents, we should not call logOut() method for users because we don’t want anonymous users. However, we should be able to get TRANSFER type of events in the webhooks but we could not received it yet.
In this case our users can change users with different logins. We have tried that:
1-) User logged in our application, sdk configure and login method is invoked.
2-) Then we have deleted user in our system
3-) We have created new user with different userId but belongs to same Google Play user.
4-) SDK initialized configure and login method again but never received TRANSFER event.
We get all events except TRANSFER events. So how can we get transfer events automatically? We need to understand the user is changed in our backend system.
So how can we trigger TRANSFER events?