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I have this error while purchasing any package in flutter.
every thing is okay i have added bank accounts in appstore and created subscriptions
and i connect my revenuecat with appstore.
i can fetch offerings which retrieves successfully.
but when i am going to purchase any package
i get this.
a have also set storekit configuration on to test in simulator 14+

PlatformException(2, There was a problem with the App Store., {readable_error_code: STORE_PROBLEM, underlyingErrorMessage: An unknown error occurred, message: There was a problem with the App Store., userCancelled: false, code: 2, readableErrorCode: STORE_PROBLEM}, null)

Hi! For STORE_PROBLEM errors, we have documentation here: They occur when an error is returned by the store itself and are usually one-off issues. If they are consistent, can you create a new sandbox user and test the purchases with that fresh one?