
Sending Stripe tokens to RevenueCat (Squarespace)

  • 19 October 2022
  • 4 replies

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I'm trying to integrate revenuecat with the stripe checkout on my squarespace website - so that when a customer subscribes the subscription will be automatically applied. Following this document up untill point 5 "Send Stripe Token to RevenueCat" with Stripe,in the RevenueCat Stripe App. Does anyone know where the cURL code is meant to be added on the Squarespace platform? 

4 replies

Userlevel 3
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Have you tried reaching out to Squarespace about this as well? I think they may be able to answer this for you faster.

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Hi Yousef, thanks very much for your reply! I’ve asked the same quesition on Squarespace and Stripe forums but as yet no replies. Squarespace support simply said ‘hire a developer’ which seems a bit much for simply directing where to add this code ;(


I’d love to hear any updates you have on this. I’m running into the same problem.

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Any updates on this?
