Hi! It appears that you already spoke with my coworker, Peter, regarding this topic in a private support ticket, but I just wanted to share his response here as well in case any other community members encounter this post:
We currently don't have a method of adding additional metadata to individual transactions, unfortunately. This is something the team has discussed and planned, but hasn't been pulled in for near-term development yet. I'll pass along your use case and interest to help with getting this prioritized as it seems like it would fit your use case here well!
could be used as a workaround, but I'd only suggest it if there is a limited number of SKUs you're working with, since you'd need to set up individual offerings for each SKU to utilize this parameter and setting up a large number of them would clutter your offerings list pretty quickly. If this does seem like a workable solution for your team, however, you'd just need to pass in the offering identifier (the name given in the dashboard) alongside the app user ID and Stripe token when forwarding the purchases to us, specifically through the presented_offering_identifier
parameter, and this will follow it downstream through our data integrations and reporting.