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How long does it take RevenueCat's Stripe Dashboard App (SDA) to update information in stripe after subscription through app stores?

  • 9 May 2024
  • 1 reply

I installed the RevenueCat’s SDA on Stripe. Assuming Platform Server Notifications are set up and revenuecat is receiving confirmation of subscriptions almost immediately after they are made through iOS/gPlay, how long does it take revenuecat to update stripe and inform stripe the user is subscribed?

Hey @sebastien-9187dc !


I recommend reading into our Stripe documents here. Fro web payments made through Stripe, you will want to just send the fetch token to our /receipts endpoint in order to track the purchase on the RevenueCat side. Once this is sent to the /receipts endpoint, it should be instantaneous that you see this on both RevenueCat and Stripe. 


We shouldn't be updating your Stripe if a purchase is made through iOS or Google Play though, as these purchases are done through their respective stores. Are you referring to purchases made through the App Store and Google Play Store or just through Stripe?