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Hey folks!


I have a Firebase setup where I have multiple Firestores in one project. I have enabled RevenueCat’s Firebase extension, but I’m not seeing the events being written to the DB. I presume this is due to the fact that I have multiple of these DBs. 


Handler function is being called but erroring with this below:


FAILED_PRECONDITION: The Cloud Firestore API is not available for Firestore in Datastore Mode database projects/{my_project}/databases/(default).


I’m not using the (default) DB to begin with. Is there any way to pass in my DB name here somehow?

Hey @orcun,

When you set your Cloud Firestore security rules, are you defining your database with the proper path?

It’s optional, but you should be able to add the name of the collection where you’d like events to be stored and where you’d like collections to be stored as part of the installation process:
