
Why on iphone simulator the pcurrencycode is always USD?

  • 22 April 2024
  • 1 reply

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As per subject, I am testing revenue cat integratoin on the ios simulator, but the prices are only showed in USD currency code.

Any idea? My app is availble in multiple language or country. It is a limitation of the simulator and then on real device in production will be ok? In such a acase how revenue cat will know the price? Myabe did I miss configuration on Apple side? 

Thanks for any support.

Here a sample if what I get rom the revenue cat api:

 LOG  {"identifier": "$rc_monthly", "offeringIdentifier": "base", "packageType": "MONTHLY", "product": {"currencyCode": "USD", "description": "Remove Ads", "discounts": [], "identifier": "01_month2", "introPrice": null, "price": 2.9899999999999998, "priceString": "$2.99", "productCategory": "SUBSCRIPTION", "productType": "NON_CONSUMABLE", "subscriptionPeriod": "P1M", "title": "1 Month"}}
 LOG  {"identifier": "$rc_three_month", "offeringIdentifier": "base", "packageType": "THREE_MONTH", "product": {"currencyCode": "USD", "description": "Remove Ads", "discounts": [], "identifier": "3_months2", "introPrice": null, "price": 3.9899999999999998, "priceString": "$3.99", "productCategory": "SUBSCRIPTION", "productType": "NON_CONSUMABLE", "subscriptionPeriod": "P3M", "title": "3 Months"}}
 LOG  {"identifier": "$rc_six_month", "offeringIdentifier": "base", "packageType": "SIX_MONTH", "product": {"currencyCode": "USD", "description": "Remove Ads", "discounts": [], "identifier": "6_months2", "introPrice": null, "price": 4.99, "priceString": "$4.99", "productCategory": "SUBSCRIPTION", "productType": "NON_CONSUMABLE", "subscriptionPeriod": "P6M", "title": "6 Months"}}

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Userlevel 4
Badge +6

Hey @vincenzo-69b2a9 !


What is the language on the device being used for testing? To test purchases in different regions, you should set your sandbox user's App Store Country or Region property to the territory you'd like to test.Another thing to note here is that