Hey @Walter!
For the 3 day trial, we recommend utilizing the App Store Connect’s trials versus implementing this on your own. As for the app user ID, a new random app user ID should be generated after a reinstall if you’re configuring the Purchases SDK without the appUserID
parameter. I tried reproducing this myself through our iOS sample app and was not able to reproduce your issue. Can you double check that you’re not hardcoding the app user ID within the app? When uninstalling the app are you selecting “Remove App” from the device and then rebuilding the app from Xcode to reinstall?
Hi @tina !
Thanks for your answer.
I don’t want to use App Store Connect’s trials because the user hast to purchase first but won’t be billed and i think this is an inhibition threshold for them.
I tested many times and got the same App User ID but i use
Purchases.configure(withAPIKey: "<your_api_key>", appUserID: "<my_app_user_id>", userDefaults: UserDefaults(suiteName: "group.your.bundle.here"))
with appUserID = nil because i am in an extension.
Anyway - i implemented my trial with a KeyChain, so i don’t need the solution for my problem anymore.