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I have a non-consumable in app purchase that I no longer offer in the app, so it would be great if I could remove it from the store listing, but I don’t want to remove anything for the users that have already purchased this iAP.

Can I safe uncheck “Cleared for Sale” in AppStore Connect? Is it still included in the AppReceipts? If I have the legacy purchase in my entitlements, will the features still be unlocked for these users? Can they still restore purchases?

Hey @Simon!

Yes- you should be safe to uncheck “cleared for sale” in App Store Connect. Any purchases that a user has made will continue to show up in their receipt and unlock entitlements when the receipt is synced with RevenueCat. Restoring purchases will continue to work as expected for non-subscription products like non-consumables:

Developer Removed from Sale

You removed the in-app purchase from sale. When you remove an in-app purchase product from sale, customers that already purchased the product can’t restore it to their device or renew the in-app purchase if it’s an auto-renewable subscription.

If you clear the product for sale, the status changes to Approved.

In-app purchase statuses - App Store Connect Help

Thanks @cody! That helps a lot! //Simon

I am confused about the answer to be honest. The quoted text from Appstore connect help states exactly the opposite “customers that already purchased the product can’t restore it to their device”. 
