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Susception works in Xcode but does not work in TestFlight

  • 6 March 2022
  • 3 replies

This have been extremely frustrating, and I am in dire need for help or assistance. I created a app and added the RevenueCat code information to my project, and followed all the examples exactly. I watch countless videos. I finally got it to work on the simulator IOS 14 like explained. it works perfect. I triple checked my information both on RevenueCat platform and in apple developer. after being uploaded to apple developer, and I downloaded it from TestFlight. I try to make a purchase, and nothing happen. it is as if the screen is frozen. please help me with this issue. Thanks!!!!

Hey @Caleb Lazard,

Sorry to hear you’re having issues! You mentioned that you got things working in the simulator - was that with a StoreKit Config file? Can you confirm you’ve set up your products in App Store Connect with the same product identifiers you’ve entered in RevenueCat? Additionally, are the products in the ‘Ready to Submit’ state?

@cody I am facing the same issue. Purchase work flow works properly on simulator but when I upload my app on testflight and install it, I am unable to subsribe any package. I have read all the relavent documents, artciles and github issues but still unable to resolve the issue.

@cody I am facing the same issue. Purchase work flow works properly on simulator but when I upload my app on testflight and install it, I am unable to subsribe any package. I have read all the relavent documents, artciles and github issues but still unable to resolve the issue.

did you solve this?
