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Hi all,


We have been rejected in AppStore this week due to not showing 14 day free trial in the payment sheet. Nothing has been done with our In-App purchases for quite few months so it is a bit of an odd one.

Our In-App purchases (both monthly and annual) have introductory offers setup correctly with 2 weeks free. So not sure exactly what we can do to show that on the payment sheet. 


Has anyone else had this issue before? I have also raised this with Apple support and replied to the app store reviewer - however, they weren't helpful (pointing me to validating the receipt server side...)





Hey @ParentalEQ!

That’s a strange rejection reason 🤔. Developers don’t actually have any control over that payment sheet, the reviewer should know that. The payment sheet will only show the 2-week trial if a trial hasn’t already been redeemed for that subscription group. So the first time the reviewer purchases they would see the trial option, but if they try again from the same Apple ID then they won’t see the option to start another trial.

Trying to explain the situation to the reviewer does seem like the best way forward because even if you re-submit the same binary they’ll see the same thing if using the same Apple ID (could be worth a try though if all else fails).

Hi @ryan 

We have done some digging and we have upgraded from 4.1.1 to 4.3.1 the RN SDK.

It appears that upgrading has resolved this issue. We will see if it gets through the review process later this week or early next.
