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In our RN app we make a call to `Purchases.getOfferings()` in order to show the default offerings to our users. However we are getting far too many API error response’s back which is degrading our user experience. Below is an example of the error response:


{"code":"23","message":"None of the products registered in the RevenueCat dashboard could be fetched from App Store Connect (or the StoreKit Configuration file if one is being used).\nThis could be due to a timeout, or a problem in your configuration

Do you have any suggestion’s on how to improve the stability of this API when calling it directly from the client?

@Walter Holohan We do cache the offerings for the lifecycle of the app if we’re able to fetch it successfully, but it’s always possible for those requests to fail for various reasons. Would you be able to share debug logs of this issue (be sure to hide any sensitive app data). You can enable debug logs by following this guide. After they're enabled you'll see logs like this in the console:

>Purchases] - DEBUG: No cached entitlements, fetching
gPurchases] - DEBUG: GET /v1/subscribers/<APP_USER_ID> 200
0Purchases] - DEBUG: Purchaser info updated, sending to delegate

Please ensure the debug logs include the entire app life-cycle, including the messages printed during initialization of the SDK. The more information you include here, the better we'll be able to help.

@sundeep thank you for the clarification. We now understand that Apple and Google can be flaky so we have put in better error handling client side to handle this and allow users to easily retry failed requests.
