
Problem with revenue cat on Google

  • 18 April 2024
  • 1 reply

Badge +3

W/[Purchases] - WARN(13858): ! Unable to start a network connection due to a network configuration issue:

E/[Purchases] - ERROR(13858): 😿‼️ PurchasesError(code=InvalidSubscriberAttributesError, underlyingErrorMessage=Some subscriber attributes keys were unable to be saved., message='One or more of the attributes sent could not be saved.')

E/[Purchases] - ERROR(13858): 😿‼️ There were some subscriber attributes errors: [SubscriberAttributeError(keyName=$androidId, message=Android ID cannot be modified.)]

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Userlevel 4
Badge +6

Hey @hanna-heloise-heyde !


This usually happens when there are formatting errors while the attributes are being set. To fix this, please make sure that there are no formatting issues when setting attributes.


I hope that helps!