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Prepaid subscriptions return willRenew as true

  • 22 February 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi there,


I just wanted to check if I’m missing something obvious here… I am adding support for Google prepaid subscriptions to my app. I am trying to find a way of knowing if the entitlement the user has is a prepaid (non-renewing) subscription. The docs suggest that we should be using Entitlements and not ActiveSubscriptions of CustomerInfo. However the only clue I can find is that checking the active subscription product identifier will contain whether the active entitlement is prepaid or not, it doesn’t seem to be included in Entitlements anywhere. I would have expected that willRenew would be false, as the subscription will indeed not renew, but it seems to return true.


Am I missing something or is this a mistake?


Many thanks!

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2 replies

Userlevel 5
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Hello @varyamereon,

In this case you probably need to look at the subscriptions object and search for the prepaid base plan. The entitlements object won’t contain any indication that a product is prepaid.


Ok Sharif, thanks for your help.