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Hello I have the exact same problem as this post, 

But there is no response I could use.​​​​​

Hi @sammy-898c8b,

That post was resolved in a support ticket. The issue was a StoreKit manager that the developer had in their app that was conflicting with RevenueCat. Something similar might be happening to you. Do you have any StoreKit code in your app aside from RevenueCat? Can you try removing it? Also, can you share the debug logs?


I do not use a StoreKit, just the SDK. The debug logs show nothing (I have activated it with Purchases.setLogLevel(Purchases.LOG_LEVEL.DEBUG)).

I actually have 2 bugs.

The first one is when I call “RevenueCatUI.presentPaywall()”, right after I prompted the user to activate the notifications, it does not show the paywall, and the execution of the function is stuck there, no exceptions is thrown. If I run the function again (by clicking on the same button) the paywall is displayed. 

Now that I have “paid” (in the apple sandbox env), if I reinstall the app, the CTA from the paywall is not responding. 

Link here for the 2 bugs  

No logs

Code of the main.tsx (sorry this text editor makes it impossible to paste code)

useEffect(() => {
const setup = async () => {
if (Platform.OS == "ios") {
const configured = await Purchases.configure({
console.log("Purchase configured for iOS ✅", configured);
} else {

const offerings = await Purchases.getOfferings();
console.log("offerings", offerings);
}, e]);

And the code to display the paywall 

const displayPaywall = async () => {
try {
console.log('Displaying paywall');
const paywallResult = await RevenueCatUI.presentPaywall();
console.log('Paywall result:', paywallResult);
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error displaying paywall:', error);

And a bug I have not reproduced yet (the original one): after I paid, I have to click again on the CTA of the paywall to continue the flow.

Help would be appreciated :D 

Hi @sammy-898c8b,

Sorry for the delay! If you’re still having this issue I would like to help you resolve it.

You can get the debug logs if you open the Xcode project in the ios folder, then build and run directly from Xcode. That will allow us to see any crashes or issues in the paywall code.

The code snippets you shared with me look correct, but there might be an issue in other parts of your code, it is difficult to tell. The debug logs can tell us if the paywall is experiencing an issue or if the issue is somewhere else.