
Payment screen keep showing in an endless loop

  • 9 November 2023
  • 10 replies



I am trying to add Revenue cat to my IOS flutter app using this package:

After i make a purchase with sandbox and the screens show done(in picture 2), I got stuck in the payment screen, even i re-enter my credentials and pay again the app keeps showing me tha payment screen over and over (i got stuck in this function: Purchases.purchaseStoreProduct it does not return any CustomerInfo even though I paid and the ios screen shows done.).

I checked snadbox in revenue cat dashboard but all of my payment did not get persisted.

Can someone help me, and thanks in advace.

Here is my code(Picture 1):


10 replies

Did you find a solution?


I switched from emulator to my device and it worked !

It works man. Thank you

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I’m having the same issue testing in Xcode 15 in the simulator!

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RevenueCat, are you aware that this is happening? I am testing iOS 17.0.1, multiple devices. The successful purchase never calls the completion block. The dialog shows in an endless loop.

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Also, my app is a huge old Objective-C code base, in case that makes a difference. So this is running in Objective-C.

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It does work when testing on the device.

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yes this is happening to me on Xcode similators!



was anyone able to find a solution?


A real device might be working in this situation but I was unable to do so. So, to test purchases on an iOS simulator, after you complete the StoreKit configuration for Xcode, you need to manually add this configuration to your run scheme.


Press edit scheme:

Press edit scheme

Add configuration from the Options submenu:

Options submenu

Give it a go again.

