Problem: from my app’s perspective purchases seem to be working, but I see no record of them anywhere on the RC website (recent transactions, customers in sandbox, etc).
Package: RevenueCat 4.11.0, Xcode 14 beta 6
I used RC for my last app and was very happy with the experience. I want to use it again for my next app, which is for iOS 16 only. It’s the same scenario as the last app: no subscriptions, one non-consumable “pro” upgrade, three consumable “tips”. I used the same code as in my last app, with obviously a different public key. I went through the same setup steps as last time on ASC and RC websites. When I start the app (with debug logging on) I see the new product names I created for this app being pulled down. My tips View is being properly populated with my tip names and prices. When delete the app, reinstall it, and I purchase the non-consumable Pro it properly warns be that I’ve bought it already. I’m making purchases with a valid Apple account. I’m testing from an iPhone 13 Pro with a build I made.
I’m calling Purchases with only one arg:
Purchases.configure(withAPIKey: my_public_key)
Errors I have seen when the app starts:
2022-09-02 12:45:55.534046-0400 Appname:1381:310084] 0User Defaults] Couldn't read values in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x28201b280> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: Yes): Using kCFPreferencesAnyUser with a container is only allowed for System Containers, detaching from cfprefsd
2022-09-02 12:45:55.556686-0400 Appname:1381:310084] 0strings] ERROR: not found in table Localizable of bundle CFBundle 0x105c04190 </private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/A76CED52-CB19-4368-93BB-32695AFF04BC/> (executable, loaded)
2022-09-02 12:45:55.557069-0400 Appname:1381:310084] 0strings] ERROR: %@ not found in table Localizable of bundle CFBundle 0x105c04190 </private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/A76CED52-CB19-4368-93BB-32695AFF04BC/> (executable, loaded)
2022-09-02 12:45:55.568794-0400 Appname:1381:310084] Metal API Validation Enabled
2022-09-02 12:45:55.743052-0400 Appname:1381:310108] 0Purchases] - DEBUG: GetCustomerInfoOperation: Started
Errors I have seen after making a purchase:
2022-09-02 12:47:27.399069-0400 Appname21381:310084] 0Purchases] - WARN: There is a problem with the SKPaymentTransaction missing a transaction identifier - this is an issue with the App Store.Transactions in the backend and in webhooks are unaffected and will have the correct identifier. This is a bug in StoreKit 1. To prevent running into this issue on devices running iOS 15+, watchOS 8+, macOS 12+, and tvOS 15+, you can set `usesStoreKit2IfAvailable` to true when calling `configure`.
2022-09-02 12:47:36.795057-0400 Appname21381:310084] :Purchases] - DEBUG: applicationDidBecomeActive
2022-09-02 12:47:40.150091-0400 Appnamep1381:310084] 2Purchases] - DEBUG: PaymentQueue updatedTransaction: Appname_199_tip 2000000145561004 1
2022-09-02 12:47:40.156355-0400 Appname/1381:310084] 0Purchases] - DEBUG: Force refreshing the receipt to get latest transactions from Apple.
2022-09-02 12:47:40.298658-0400 Appnamel1381:310084] -Purchases] - DEBUG: applicationDidBecomeActive
2022-09-02 12:47:40.464938-0400 Appnamee1381:310084] <SKReceiptRefreshRequest: 0x280f27500>: Finished refreshing receipt with error: Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=603 "Request throttled" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Request throttled, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Unified receipt is valid and current}
2022-09-02 12:47:40.465434-0400 Appnameu1381:310557] 2Purchases] - DEBUG: Loaded receipt from url