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Added the revenuecat package to unity. No ‘purchases’ objects in scenes yet. Building for iOS and then building from XCode yields this error


Oh, and the question: have others encountered this? Does it mean I missed something basic in the earlier stages of setup? All help/tips appreciated! Matt

What version are you trying to install? Can you try deleting the RevenueCat unitypackage from your project and try importing again? Maybe the ExternalDependencyManager didn’t install PurchasesHybridCommon?

Download the latest version of Purchases.unitypackage.

Import the downloaded unitypackage to your Unity project. Make sure the PlayServiceResolver and the ExternalDependencyManager folders are also added. These folders will install the EDM4U plugin, which will add all the Android and iOS dependencies automatically when building your project.

What version are you trying to install? Can you try deleting the RevenueCat unitypackage from your project and try importing again? Maybe the ExternalDependencyManager didn’t install PurchasesHybridCommon?

Download the latest version of Purchases.unitypackage.

Import the downloaded unitypackage to your Unity project. Make sure the PlayServiceResolver and the ExternalDependencyManager folders are also added. These folders will install the EDM4U plugin, which will add all the Android and iOS dependencies automatically when building your project.



Trying again and having the exact same issue. I do have those folders.

By downloading EDM4U direct from github and importing it separately I have made some progress.

I get an error on build that looks like this:



Which is odd, because when I try to install cocoapods from the externaldependencymanager dropdown menu, I get this:



And then the resulting build won’t build from XCode.

I tried deleting and re-installing cocoapods, installing it successfully using externaldependencymanager. Still get the same error on building the project. 


tl;dr So basically the externaldependencymanager is there, it has cocoapods, but it is failing to install purchaseshybridcommon through cocoapods.

Update: this seems to be a broader issue with Unity and cocoapods (e.g. here rather than anything specific to RevenueCat. I still haven’t gotten it working; there are fixes that work for others but not for me so far (downgrading cocoapods/reinstalling/un-checking “Use Shell to Execute Cocoapod Tool”)

Ok I can’t edit my last post any more, not sure why.


I was able to get beyond this, but only by manually running a command to get the right pods for M1 Mac, which must be done every time you build from Unity.

The podfile that gets spat out automatically is wrong in two ways: it includes stuff like Google Ads SDK (which I don’t want and can’t fix), and it pulls pods for intel-based Macs, not Apple Silicon Macs.

The command (run in the build folder) is arch -x86_64 pod install

That fixes cocoapods and installs the right dependencies.

Building from there still yields an XCode error, which requires disabling bitcode for UnityFramework. That’s doable and you can add a script to do it automatically each time.


But (so far as I can tell right now), this approach means running a manual cocoapods fix every time you build from unity, because the externaldependency manager is picking the wrong pods for Apple Silicon. Ihave to edit the podfile from


source ''
source ''
source ''

platform :ios, '15.5'

target 'UnityFramework' do
  pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK', '~> 7.0', :path => '/Users/matt/Dropbox/UNITY_PROJECTS/google-mobile-ads-sdk'
  pod 'PurchasesHybridCommon', '4.5.4'
target 'Unity-iPhone' do
use_frameworks! :linkage => :static




source ''
source ''

platform :ios, '15.5'

target 'UnityFramework' do

  pod 'PurchasesHybridCommon', '4.5.4'
target 'Unity-iPhone' do
use_frameworks! :linkage => :static


..And then run the terminal command arch -x86_64 pod install


Hope that helps anyone who runs across the same issue anyway!

I have same issue on M1 mac, any update to solve it?

I have same issue on M1 mac, any update to solve it?

For anyone come here later, who has mistake like me.

As @Arbury Labs said, if you are using M-series chipset mackbook , you should do:

  • pod deintegrate 

  • remove Podfile.lock
  • arch -x86_64 pod install --repo-update

  • double click to open Unity-iPhone.xcworkspace (not Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj)

Hope it help!

I also ran into this error using a MacBook Pro Apple M1 Max and the following steps worked for me. Thanks to the RevenueCat team for helping me solve this error. @Andy 

The error message that I was receiving was: 

o!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "PurchasesHybridCommon":
In Podfile:
PurchasesHybridCommon (= 13.0.1)

None of your spec sources contain a spec satisfying the dependency: `PurchasesHybridCommon (= 13.0.1)`.

You have either:
* out-of-date source repos which you can update with `pod repo update` or with `pod install --repo-update`.
* mistyped the name or version.
* not added the source repo that hosts the Podspec to your Podfile.


  • Navigate to the directory of the iOS project and run `pod install --repo-update`.
  • Open the `.xcworkspace` file, so that Pods from cocoapods get picked up correctly.
  • Select targets in Xcode, then build settings, and change Enabled Bitcode to NO.
  • Ran the build, validated the build, and distributed the build with no more errors. 
