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Local testing / debugging

  • 16 June 2023
  • 1 reply

Ive been pretty stuck on this local purchase testing. The documentation says to use `await Purchases.setDebugLogsEnabled(enabled)` but it is deprecated and I switched to` await Purchases.setLogLevel(LogLevel.debug);` however, i could never purchase anything locally. 

Locally, the products do load but when I go to purchase it says “The item you requested is not available for purchase”

Searching for answers, I then uploaded the build to google play store. I can do purchase there, but obviously I cannot debug if it’s in google test. 

I watched some youtube videos, the guy shows that he can purchase on emulators. I am unable to do that. 

1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +7

Hi @catkty 

I was checking other references for that error and it seems you need the app in close testing for things to work. Once it get’s into closed testing, you should be able to test things locally


If you already have it there, are you still having the issue? are you having the issue only with the emulator? Have you tried with a real device?
