My app has 2 subscriptions, monthly & yearly. They unlock the same content, so they are technically within the same “subscription group” as apple references them.
The app has added one-time codes to the yearly subscription, which I made redeemable via Google Play (deep link from app to Google Play).
The issue that I am having only happens to users who are currently subscribed (eg. to the monthly subscription) and redeem the (yearly) promo code via Google Play.
Currently, to “upgrade” a user’s subscription, I have to provide `UpgradeInfo` to the `makePurchase` method. However, if the user makes a purchase/redeems a code from outside of the app, there is no way for me to upgrade from their current subscription.
Listening to outside purchases:
- How can I listen to a purchases outside of the app to perform an “upgrade”?
- If I were to receive this outside purchase, how would I upgrade their subscription?
Are there any other solutions to this that I may not be aware of?