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I read this doc which seems to suggest it is a requirement:

iOS and macOS (including Catalyst) use different bundle Ids, meaning any purchase on either platform completely separate from each other. To share a subscription across both platforms a consistent user identifier needs to be set in the Purchases SDK.

But, I also saw this other Q&A that seemed to indicate that a restore purchases button will allow the user to access their subscription between devices if they are logged in to the same Apple ID. 

So wanted to clear up for myself - can an iOS app, macOS app, a watchOS app, and an iPad app that only use anonymous IDs but logged into the same Apple ID share a subscription regardless of on what device the purchase was made?

Hi, in your case because those are two separate platforms, you will need to have some sort of authentication to know which app user id belongs to what user. You need to call configure with a known id for this reason, so you can log the same user in across platforms.

The post that you linked is only for a single platform, so it is possible to just restore purchases to share them.
