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Hello RevenueCat Team,

I recently submitted my app to Apple, but it has been rejected twice because of Guideline 2.1. According to RevenueCat documentation, the steps that Apple cited as problematic are already automatically managed by RevenueCat, which makes the claims by Apple simply incorrect.
I have thoroughly reviewed the specific error mentioned by Apple and, after a detailed examination, I can confirm that the issue does not exist in my app. Additionally, I am unable to place and test my app on TestFlight as it was previously removed for a different reason.

Given this situation, I'm unsure how to proceed. Could you please advise on what steps I should take next?

Best regards.



Hey @bacemoglu23,

Sorry to hear about your rejection. Unfortunately, Apple’s sandbox environment is notoriously flaky - there are regular outages and sometimes purchases can get hung up in their system, which can cause issues when the reviewer tests in-app purchases like subscriptions. I would recommend re-submitting your app for review (some developers have submitted the same binary up to a dozen times before getting through).

Their "Next Steps" is unfortunately a generic message that, as you saw in our docs, doesn't apply to RevenueCat since we always validate against the production App Store first, as they recommend.

Just to clarify, the best thing you can do next to resolve these errors is retry later/resubmit. The good news is that this typically only happens when an app is being launched for the first time- subsequent updates typically work as expected for the reviewer.


Hello Kaitlin,

I will resubmit the application, and if it gets rejected again, I will personally write to the Apple developer team to address this issue. Thanks for your response 😁