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I’ve setup a subscription in Google Play console that includes an offering. 

While the RevenueCat SDK (react native) is able to access the subscription correctly, the free trial (introPrice) is missing (set to null). 


Offer settings in Google Play console

Newly created offer, user as never purchased this subscription before.


Offer received on the front-end

annual: {
identifier: "$rc_annual",
offeringIdentifier: "ProTrial",
packageType: "ANNUAL",
presentedOfferingContext: {
offeringIdentifier: "ProTrial",
placementIdentifier: null,
targetingContext: null,
product: {
currencyCode: "AUD",
defaultOption: pObject],
description: "",
discounts: null,
identifier: "yearly_pro_trial:yearly-pro-trial",
introPrice: null,
presentedOfferingContext: nObject],
presentedOfferingIdentifier: "ProTrial",
price: 124.99,
pricePerMonth: 10415833,
pricePerMonthString: "A$10.42",
pricePerWeek: 2397068,
pricePerWeekString: "A$2.40",
pricePerYear: 124990000,
pricePerYearString: "A$124.99",
priceString: "$124.99",
productCategory: "SUBSCRIPTION",
subscriptionOptions: tArray],
subscriptionPeriod: "P1Y",
title: "....",
availablePackages: k
identifier: "$rc_monthly",
offeringIdentifier: "ProTrial",
packageType: "MONTHLY",
presentedOfferingContext: nObject],
product: oObject],
identifier: "$rc_annual",
offeringIdentifier: "ProTrial",
packageType: "ANNUAL",
presentedOfferingContext: nObject],
product: oObject],
identifier: "ProTrial",
lifetime: null,
metadata: {},
monthly: {
identifier: "$rc_monthly",
offeringIdentifier: "ProTrial",
packageType: "MONTHLY",
presentedOfferingContext: {
offeringIdentifier: "ProTrial",
placementIdentifier: null,
targetingContext: null,
product: {
currencyCode: "AUD",
defaultOption: pObject],
description: "",
discounts: null,
identifier: "monthly_pro_trial:monthly-pro-trial",
introPrice: null,
presentedOfferingContext: nObject],
presentedOfferingIdentifier: "ProTrial",
price: 23.99,
pricePerMonth: 23990000,
pricePerMonthString: "A$23.99",
pricePerWeek: 5520986,
pricePerWeekString: "A$5.52",
pricePerYear: 287880000,
pricePerYearString: "A$287.88",
priceString: "$23.99",
productCategory: "SUBSCRIPTION",
subscriptionOptions: tArray],
subscriptionPeriod: "P1M",
title: "...",
serverDescription: "3-day free trial. Unlimited access to all Pro features.",
sixMonth: null,
threeMonth: null,
twoMonth: null,
weekly: null,



"react-native": "0.74.5",
"react-native-purchases": "^8.1.0",


Everything works as expected on iOS. 

Hi @georg-san,

Sounds like Google is deciding that your Google account is not eligible for the offer. Can you try again with a completely new Google account and let me know what you get?