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Introductory offer chance not showing up in revenuecat

  • 24 November 2023
  • 1 reply


Within App Store Connect I changed the introductory offer from a 7 day trial to a reduced price for 6 months (pay per period). My changes are live. Within my app downloaded from the app store the price is shown correctly. In the simulator and TestFlight I still get the old trial shown within the “introPrice” object.

I am using React Native.

{"identifier": "$rc_monthly", "offeringIdentifier": "xxx", "packageType": "MONTHLY", "product": {"currencyCode": "EUR", "description": "xxx", "discounts": n], "identifier": "xxx_1m_xxx", 

"introPrice": {"cycles": 1, "period": "P3D", "periodNumberOfUnits": 3, "periodUnit": "DAY", "price": 0, "priceString": "0,00 €"},

"price": 19.990000000000002,
"priceString": "19,99 €",
"productCategory": "SUBSCRIPTION",
"productType": "NON_CONSUMABLE",
"subscriptionPeriod": "P1M",
"title": "xxx"}}

 Is there anything I can do to get the updated introPrice? I already tried different phones, even a brand-new one.


Hi @jonasmax,

It sounds like this is working correctly for production, which is the most important thing. Regarding sandbox and TestFlight, it could just be taking a longer time for the change to propagate, or there could be an issue with the cache on phones that you’ve used to test before. It could also be worth trying with a brand new test user as well.
