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How to handle PayWallFooterViewController in UIKit?



I am looking to implement a PaywallFooterViewController is my UIKit based app. However I am unsure about a few things.


I have the FooterView presenting over the top of a view, but the space above the FooterView is dimmed black and obscures the view behind it. How do I change it so the view isn’t black?

And when I pull down on the FooterView to dismiss it, is there a way I can run a block of code that will dimiss the view behind it as well?


Many thanks!


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Ok, I just discovered ‘paywallViewControllerWasDismissed’. So that is sorted!

But still not sure on the black dimming on the FooterView.


Here is a picture of the issue for more context. When I present the FooterView, the space above it becomes black and dimmed. How do I keep it fully clear? So users will be able to see my custom PayWall?


I still want to be able to dismiss the view by dragging down on it. So using different ModalPresentationStyles doesnt seem to work.



Ryan Glanz
RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • 383 replies
  • May 22, 2024


That’s something that’s not currently configurable, but I will forward that to the Paywalls team for you.



Ryan Glanz wrote:


That’s something that’s not currently configurable, but I will forward that to the Paywalls team for you.

Hey Ryan,

No worries and thanks for the reply.

I have created a full SwiftUI view instead and the intergration is working great.



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