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getPurchaserInfo() return actual data only after purchaseProduct()

  • 21 February 2022
  • 4 replies

Hello! I’m really destroyed and don’t understand how to solve my problems.

I have one apple account and can create multiple user-accounts in my app. First case:

  • User A login (with logIn())
  • Buy purchase
  • User A logout (with logOut())
  • User B login (with logIn() another appUserId)

Now User B have subscription from User A. But i want the User B to not have a subscription in this case. What can i do?

And more one, in this case after login method getPurchaserInfo() return not active subscription (I’ve been awaiting more than 5 minutes (time for reset cache but got not active). After this i show payment card and by tap (call method purchaseProduct()) user B see system alert with “have already subscription”. And after this method getPurchaserInfo() for User B return active status of subscription. 

What can i do in this case?

Thanks for support!

4 replies

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@joshdholtz @ryan I really appreciate your time but help me please to find a solution :) It should be said that i use flutter sdk

Userlevel 3
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Hey @Paulik!

## Question 1

The reason that “User B” is getting the subscription is because it was still purchased with the same Android/iOS users account. So “User A” and “User B” are essentially the same user because both looking at the same recipe that Android/IOS has.

If you logged in “User A” and “User B” with different sandbox accounts or on different devices, you would see the behavior that you are expecting.

## Question 2

I’m not sure if your second question still applies since the users should be tested with different sandbox accounts or devices. But calling either `syncPurchases` or `restoreTransactions` is something to look into  linking purchases on the device to the logged in user.


Hopefully this helps! But let me know if not and I can try to clarifier better 😊 

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Thank you very much @joshdholtz!
So i can’t buy the same product for different user-accounts from the same apple account?   
Am i right there are no way to achieve this? Or maybe it’s possible in production because you said about sandbox? Yeah, i try not to lose hope :)

Userlevel 3
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Hey @Paulik

That is correct. You cannot purchase the same subscription or non-consumable item from the same Apple account. That is how Apple designed the in-app payment system. All in-app payments are tied to the Apple ID that is logged into the App Store on the phone. 

You can have a user subscribe to multiple different subscriptions but only one user per subscription.

