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My request to `` is returning a 404 error which doesn’t really make sense. Full error object below:



    "doc_url": "",
    "message": "Resource not found",
    "object": "error",
    "retryable": false,
    "type": "resource_missing"


I am using the projectId returned from calling GET Projects in the v2 API.

I am using a V2 API key. The permissions look like:


One thing I noticed is that the API key permissions has a “Customer information permissions” section, but there’s nothing there.

I know the v2 API is in Beta… is something not finished here?

Hey @anders-leif,

Apologies, the Customers endpoints were added to our public docs in error. These are actually still in beta at this time. If you’re interested in joining the beta in order to use these endpoints, please fill out this Typeform with your use cases! There’s more information on the beta here in our docs as well.
