
Flutter package - payment slow

  • 21 April 2023
  • 4 replies

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Our app has been rejected by Apple because the payment process is very slow. 

Payment sheet takes about 5 seconds to load and then an additional 4 to 5 seconds to complete payment. 

We are using sandbox for testing and the package version purchases_flutter: ^4.11.2

We simply use the following line to purchase a product. 

await Purchases.purchaseProduct(‘productid’)

The configuration is all correct and payment goes through. It’s just sooo slow.

I would expect the payment sheet to show up pretty quickly. 

IAP products have been defined in the App Store as consumable products and in revenuecat as well.

Are we missing something? Is this a known issue with this package?

Thank you


4 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +8

Had internal ticket about this. User being tested with in sandbox had a large receipt so this could have been causing delays. Recommended to create a new sandbox user and to see if purchases were still delayed


Our flutter/ios app is taking ~8 seconds to load the iOS payment page, other apps are 2-4 seconds.

It’s a simple 3-option subscription choices page. 

Any suggestions?


I'm using the FlutterFlow integration and having the same, slow loading problem with iOS. My app has been rejected twice now by the AppStore because of it. But I have no problems with Android/Play Store.


Is there a fix for this??? 

Userlevel 4
Badge +8

Hi @Rex, have you tried making a new Apple sandbox tester account? Usually these delays are on Apple’s end because RevenueCat does not control the iOS payment sheet and can be from the receipt being too large.
