Purchases work fine, but I realised my users take no further steps as expected. So I debugged with a Appstoreconnect Sandbox user and real iPhone device.
After the purchase in PaywallFooterView(), log shows both debugPrints from onPurchaseCompleted, but navigation inbetween gets ignored. A bit strange since not async. Navigation in onDismissed gets executed.
I can probably workaround by settings flags in onPurchaseCompleted, and navigate to another page in onDismissed, but I think this is unexpected behaviour?
flutter: 🟩💰 onPurchaseCompleted msg
[paywalls] DEBUG: ℹ️ Looking up localization but found no strings
flutter: 🟩💰 onPurchaseCompleted - Transaction: xyz
flutter: 🟩💰 onDismiss
flutter: Page2 opened
Code in PaywallFooterView():
onPurchaseCompleted: (CustomerInfo customerInfo, StoreTransaction transaction) {
debugPrint('🟩💰 onPurchaseCompleted msg);
Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => Page1()));
debugPrint('🟩💰 onPurchaseCompleted - Transaction: ${transaction.transactionIdentifier}');
onDismiss: () {
debugPrint('🟩💰 onDismiss');
Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => Page2()));