I'm operating an app that provides annual subscription products developed using Flutter. I'm currently working on addressing the Google Play Billing Library 4 version deprecation in this app. As a result, I have upgraded the version of the `purchases_flutter` library from 4.10.2 to 5.6.0. I haven't made any changes to the subscription product settings on Google Play.
The issue I'm encountering is that the information for the free trial period of the product (introductoryPrice) is being received as null.
The `storeProduct` information received for each version is as follows:
Version 4.10.2:
storeProduct => StoreProduct(identifier: us.beentogether.ad.premium, description: , title: Subscription for premium features. (Been Together (Ad)), price: 19000.0, priceString: ₩19,000, currencyCode: KRW, introductoryPrice: IntroductoryPrice(price: 0.0, priceString: ₩0, period: P1W, cycles: 1, periodUnit: PeriodUnit.day, periodNumberOfUnits: 7), discounts: null, subscriptionPeriod: P1Y)
Version 5.6.0:
storeProduct => StoreProduct(identifier: us.beentogether.ad.premium:premium-1099-1y-1w0, description: , title: Subscription for premium features. (Been Together (Ad)), price: 19000.0, priceString: ₩19,000, currencyCode: KRW, introductoryPrice: null, discounts: null, productCategory: ProductCategory.subscription, defaultOption: SubscriptionOption(id: premium-1099-1y-1w0, storeProductId: us.beentogether.ad.premium:premium-1099-1y-1w0, productId: us.beentogether.ad.premium, pricingPhases: [PricingPhase(billingPeriod: Period(unit: PeriodUnit.year, value: 1, iso8601: P1Y), recurrenceMode: RecurrenceMode.infiniteRecurring, billingCycleCount: 0, price: Price(formatted: ₩19,000, amountMicros: 19000000000, currencyCode: KRW), offerPaymentMode: null)], tags: [], isBasePlan: true, billingPeriod: Period(unit: PeriodUnit.year, value: 1, iso8601: P1Y), isPrepaid: false, fullPricePhase: PricingPhase(billingPeriod: Period(unit: PeriodUnit.year, value: 1, iso8601: P1Y), recurrenceMode: RecurrenceMode.infiniteRecurring, billingCycleCount: 0, price: Price(formatted: ₩19,000, amountMicros: 19000000000, currencyCode: KRW), offerPaymentMode: null), freePhase: null, introPhase: null, presentedOfferingIdentifier: default_offering), subscriptionOptions: [SubscriptionOption(id: premium-1099-1y-1w0, storeProductId: us.beentogether.ad.premium:premium-1099-1y-1w0, productId: us.beentogether.ad.premium, pricingPhases: [PricingPhase(billingPeriod: Period(unit: PeriodUnit.year, value: 1, iso8601: P1Y), recurrenceMode: RecurrenceMode.infiniteRecurring, billingCycleCount: 0, price: Price(formatted: ₩19,000, amountMicros: 19000000000, currencyCode: KRW), offerPaymentMode: null)], tags: [], isBasePlan: true, billingPeriod: Period(unit: PeriodUnit.year, value: 1, iso8601: P1Y), isPrepaid: false, fullPricePhase: PricingPhase(billingPeriod: Period(unit: PeriodUnit.year, value: 1, iso8601: P1Y), recurrenceMode: RecurrenceMode.infiniteRecurring, billingCycleCount: 0, price: Price(formatted: ₩19,000, amountMicros: 19000000000, currencyCode: KRW), offerPaymentMode: null), freePhase: null, introPhase: null, presentedOfferingIdentifier: default_offering)], presentedOfferingIdentifier: default_offering, subscriptionPeriod: P1Y)
I conducted testing using a sandbox test account on an actual device, and the subscription history for that account and the registered account information on RevenueCat have been deleted. Additionally, when specifying the `purchases_flutter` library version as 4.10.2, everything is functioning correctly.
The configuration in the Google Play Console for the subscription plans is as shown in the attached image.
What further steps should I take to resolve this issue?