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I have 2 questions. 



In my app I am starting out with only a tip jar(going to add a pro subscription later)


In the docs it is not clear how to get products without offerings(or entitlements).

Under the tab `Displaying Products` it is only explained how to show products with offerings. But, as of know, I don't have offerings configured as I don't have a paywall (yet). 



I dont really understand the difference between entitlements and offerings and what they are exactly. 

Can someone maybe explain it to me(the docs are for those 2 topics a bit confusing to me)


Any help here would be appreciated. 



​​​​​Hi BSM, welcome to RevenueCat community,


  1. I’d suggest setting offerings regardless. You actually can purchase a product manually using the product identifier directly, but it’s preferred to not have it hardcoded in our app.
  2. Hopefully this helps:
    • Entitlement: What is unlocked. The level of access/features a customer will have, independent of the product purchased or platform. A product can unlock one or many entitlements, and entitlement can be unlock by one or many products.
    • Offering: Not required, but strongly recommended. They combine the products that will be shown in the paywall, and can be modified dynamically through RevenueCat’s dashboard.

You didn’t answer the question. 

I’m also having problems with Offerings, don’t want to use them. I don’t care if it’s “preferred not to have it...”  I’ll decide what I prefer, thank you. 

How do I obtain a reference to a Product SDK object (Flutter) without having to go through the whole (terrible) “Offerings” system in Revenue Cat? 

I don’t care that this isn’t “preferred”. I’m just trying to get the damn system work, and having trouble. I don’t want to add the not-wanted Offerings configuration system into the mix.


Fellow user here.

I too am trying to work with just “Products” and not Offerings or Entitlements. 

To get products, you can use Purchases.getProducts(strings]) and then Purchases.purchaseStoreProduct(returnedProductd0]) to get user to purchsase that.

The CustomerInfo object then gets updated and you can use the allPurchasedProductIdentifiers key in it to check for purchases (across platforms)
