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"Error when fetching products" only happening in production version

  • 12 May 2023
  • 1 reply

I’ve installed revenuecat for subscription product. It’s working well for iOS.


For android It’s also working well when I’m trying it as a license tester.

After after I made the app live on google play, calling Purchases.purchaseProduct() method throws the below error


{"underlyingErrorMessage":"Error when fetching products.
DebugMessage: An internal error occurred.. ErrorCode:
rror','message":"There was a problem with the Play
Store."'code":2},'message":" There was a problem with the
Play Store."'code":"2""userCancelled":false,'line":59,'column’

The strangest thing is, it’s not showing when I’m trying to purchase as license tester.


Any help would be highly appreciated.

1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +6

Hey There! 


This error that you are seeing is forwarded from Google directly and indicates there was a problem connecting to the Play Store.


The problems that will trigger this on Android:

To resolve this, If everything is/was working while testing, you shouldn't have to do anything to handle this error in production. RevenueCat will automatically retry any purchase failures so no data is lost.


This should resolve itself in due time, but make sure to keep checking for any updates! 
