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I am implementing Revenue cat SDK 8.4.0 in my  Android app. It works perfectly and everything is ok for most of users but lately I am receiving this crash on crashlytics 

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempting to launch an unregistered ActivityResultLauncher with contract com.revenuecat.purchases.ui.revenuecatui.activity.PaywallContract@81ad151 and input PaywallActivityArgs(requiredEntitlementIdentifier=flixunblocker_v5, offeringId=flixunblocker_offer_v5, fonts=null, shouldDisplayDismissButton=true). You must ensure the ActivityResultLauncher is registered before calling launch().


I tried to reproduce the crash but I didn’t succeed. The common thing that all the users receiving this crash are Android TV users. 

Do you have any idea how to fix this or how to reproduce this issue. 
