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My Apple Watch app has an companion iOS app, my steps are: 

  1. Purchase subscription on iOS app (with a success)
  2. Try to call `restorePurchase` method on my Apple Watch app
  3. It always shows messages like “receipt not valid”  

I am using StoreKit to test on both simulator and real device, both doesn’t works and shows “receipt not valid” message

If I don’t use StoreKit method to test, calling `restorePurcahse` or `purchase` always shows message telling me to login on iPhone Apple Watch app: 



Does anyone know how to correctly check if a user has purchased a subscription on Apple Watch (with a companion iOS app)?


Thank you

Hi! I am happy to look into this issue with you? Would you mind sharing the app user id where you are running into this issue so I can investigate further on my end?

HI @wes_clark , I didn't want to create a new post duplicating this one, but I am experiencing exactly this. I am not able to restore the purchase made in the iPhone into the Apple Watch companion app. If testing without the StoreKit file, I get the prompt to login into my AppleID (which I'm already logged in), and if testing with the StoreKit file, I don't get the entitlement purchased on the iOS app. 


How am I supposed to perform this flow?


Thank you
