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With the new StoreKit 2 changes from Apple, we are excited to soon provide more precise price, currency, and country detection. We first launched this for Apple Offer Codes and Promotional Offers, and we will soon support this for standard transactions as well!

We will gradually be releasing this change for all customers by the end of March of 2024! To be ready for these changes, please upload your in-app purchase keys in your app settings page. For more detailed instructions, please visit our documentation here.

As the transactions in our system gradually get refreshed, you may notice the following:

  • Increased number of updated transactions being reported in your scheduled data exports. Particularly if you have selected the ‘Receive new and updated transactions only’ option in your export settings.

    • The changes you may see are:

      • Price

      • Purchased currency

      • Country

  • Historical chart data may also gradually update. You may notice a decrease or increase for charts that report revenue related analytics. For example, the monthly recurring revenue (MRR) and revenue charts.

To take full advantage of these changes, we recommend checking out the following:

Just a quick note,


The In-App Purchase Key Configuration documentation says to grab the issuer ID from the App Store Connect API tab. Seems like Apple updated ASC because the issuer ID is now also available above In-App Purchase key.

Hi, anyone got any guidance for me?

I received an email from RevenueCat prompting me to upload the In-App Purchase Config key, went to App Store Connect to create one and ran into this when i hit ‘Request Access’:


This looks very strongly like Apple don’t want me to share my key with RevenueCat. Is this a new change from Apple since the RevenueCat docs were written:



@Cuespeak there are links under the “Keys” tab on the left that are hidden (broken HTML on the page right now).


Here’s a direct link to the IAP page:
