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iOS 4.41.2

iOS 4.41.2


  • Paywalls: Update Norwegian "restore" localization (#3844) via Josh Holtz (@joshdholtz)

Dependency Updates

  • Bump fastlane-plugin-revenuecat_internal from f88dcd4 to dd5e21f (#3839) via dependabot[bot] (@dependabot[bot])

  • Update Package.resolved (#3822) via Cesar de la Vega (@vegaro)

  • Bump fastlane-plugin-revenuecat_internal from 1e62420 to f88dcd4 (#3831) via dependabot[bot] (@dependabot[bot])

Other Changes

  • Add diagnostics event for Customer Info verification (#3823) via Cesar de la Vega (@vegaro)

  • Fix backend integration test (#3847) via Josh Holtz (@joshdholtz)

  • Push to SPM after release has been made (#3834) via James Borthwick (@jamesrb1)

  • Add note to readme about new spm repo (#3828) via James Borthwick (@jamesrb1)

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