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iOS 4.0.0-beta.9

iOS 4.0.0-beta.9
RC Support
RevenueCat Staff
  • Ninth beta for RevenueCat framework 🎉
    100% Swift framework + ObjC support.

Full Changelog

Breaking changes:

  • identify, previously deprecated, has been removed in favor of logIn.
  • reset, previously deprecated, has been removed in favor of logOut.
  • Package.product has been replaced with Package.storeProduct. This is an abstraction of StoreKit 1's SKProduct and StoreKit 2's StoreKit.Product, but it also adds useful features like pricePerMonth and priceFormatter. The underlying objects from StoreKit are available through StoreProduct.sk1Product and StoreProduct.sk2Product.

Xcode version requirements and updated deployment targets

purchases-ios v4 requires using Xcode 13.2 or newer.
It also updates the minimum deployment targets for iOS, macOS and tvOS.

Minimum deployment targets
v3 v4
iOS 9.0 11.0
tvOS 9.0 11.0
macOS 10.12 10.13
watchOS 6.2 6.2 (unchanged)

StoreKit 2 support:

  • This beta introduces new methods that add functionality using StoreKit 2:
    • showManageSuscriptions(completion:)
    • beginRefundRequest(forProduct:)
    • beginRefundRequest(forEntitlement:).
    • beginRefundRequestForActiveEntitlement()
  • checkTrialOrIntroductoryPriceEligibility(productIdentifiers:completion:) now uses StoreKit 2 if it's available, to make calculation more accurate and fast.
  • A new flag has been introduced to setup, useStoreKit2IfAvailable (defaults to false), to use StoreKit 2 APIs for purchases instead of StoreKit 1.

Async / Await alternative APIs

  • In purchases-ios v3, Async / Await alternative APIs were made available through Xcode's auto-generation for Objective-C projects. This beta re-adds the Async / Await alternative APIs for v4.

New APIs:

  • showManageSuscriptions(completion:): Use this method to show the subscription management for the current user. Depending on where they made the purchase and their OS version, this might take them to the managementURL, or open the iOS Subscription Management page.
  • beginRefundRequestForCurrentEntitlement: Use this method to begin a refund request for the purchase that granted the current entitlement.
  • beginRefundRequest(forProduct:): Use this method to begin a refund request for a purchase, specifying the product identifier.
  • beginRefundRequest(forEntitlement:): Use this method to begin a refund request for a purchase, specifying the entitlement identifier.
  • Adds an optional useStoreKit2IfAvailable parameter to setup (defaults to false). If enabled, purchases will be done by using StoreKit 2 APIs instead of StoreKit 1. This is currently experimental, and not all features are supported with StoreKit 2 APIs.
  • Use verboseLogHandler or verboseLogs to enable more details in logs, including file names, line numbers and method names.

Known issues:

  • Promotional offers and deferred purchases are not currently supported with StoreKit 2. If your app uses either of those, you should omit useStoreKit2IfAvailable in setup or set it to false.

Other changes:

  • There are lots of under the hood improvements. If you see any issues we'd appreciate bug reports!

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