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Why do Customers page stats have all 0's even though they have subscribed?

  • 3 January 2022
  • 1 reply

I tested several devices and tried to subscribe. All of them successfully subscribed using Google Play TEST CARD and it worked get subscription information from RevenueCat (offerings, entitlements, date time, etc.).

But on the Customers page, all the customer sandboxes don’t show any value including active subscriptions, even though those users got the correct subscription information in the app.




I understand revenue will not increase but why is a subscribed user's entitlements also empty?


Is it because I subscribed using TEST CARDS?

Hey @ameerul82 

There are a few things to double check here:

  • Do you have the “View sandbox data” toggle on? You can find this on the upper right hand corner of the page. 
  • Are you looking at the correct app user ID in RevenueCat?
  • Is the purchased product attached to an Entitlement? 
  • Do you notice any errors in the debug logs or receive an email from Google that the subscription has been cancelled? If so, you should check out these errors if there are any credentials issues.
