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What's the difference between a 429 and a 529 error from RC?

  • September 30, 2024
  • 2 replies


Error 429 is:

  "code": 7638,
  "message": "There is another request in flight trying to perform the same action."

Error 529 is:

  "code": 7746,
  "message": "This fetch token is currently being ingested. Please retry the request again to ensure any changes since the initial request are ingested."

This can happen if we do multiple `POST /receipts` for the same user.

Do they have a different meaning? Is there a nuance in how we should handle these?

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2 replies

RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • 313 replies
  • October 2, 2024

Hi @bvrlt,

In our API, 429 is returned when there’s too many requests done at the same time by the same user. We return 429 when you reach the rate limit.

529 is mainly used by the SDK to know that it needs to retry the failed request. Is there a reason why you do so many post requests for the same user?


  • Author
  • New Member
  • 2 replies
  • October 2, 2024

Hi Joan,

We are in a transition phase were we are migrating to RC, so we can have the following scenario:

When a user purchases sub in mobile app

  • → RC SDK sends the purchase to RC
  • → We send the sub to our backend, which forwards it to RC.

This should generally disappear in the future.


I’m still unclear from your response about the nuance between the two (even if the second one implies a necessary retry).


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