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Usage-limited entitlement

  • 23 September 2023
  • 2 replies

How would one go about structuring entitlements in a scenario where a “Premium subscription” will grant access to 10 cake recipes per week. However, if you’d like to get more cake recipes after hitting the limit, you’ll need to make a one-time payment.

One possible idea would be to track usages manually on our own backend, and then when usages are used, make a one-time payment to unlock more usages.

Hi, your suggestion would work, but one way to do this using RevenueCat would be to store these usages as a subscriber attribute, like ‘cake_recipes_unlocked’ set at 0, then for each purchase you would increment this value by 1 until it hits 10, where you would then display the popup for them to make a one-time payment to unlock more usages. Then you would reset this subscriber attribute to 0 each week.
