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Google play now requires billing lib >= 6.0.1 , I found this blog:

I added `implementation ""` and updated Revenuecat to 8.2.1 

I exclusively use the Revenuecat sdk for my app, namely: `Purchases.sharedInstance.purchaseWith , getOfferingsWith , awaitSyncPurchases, awaitRestore, getCustomerInfoWith, awaitCustomerInfo` 

do I need to make any more changes before uploading my app ?


Nope, you’re good!

For anyone interested, here’s the full list of our SDK versions that use Billing Client 6:

Do we know what version of Billing Client is being used in react-native-purchases 7.0.0? I just upgraded to that version but my google play console is still complaining that I need to upgrade to a minimum Billing Client of 6.0.1.

Nevermind. It took a few hours to reflect correctly on google play console.